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Solinst Modell 102 P4 Grunnvanns-peiler

Solinst Modell 102 grunnvannspeiler er designet for å måle grunnvannsnivå i områder hvor det er vanskelig å komme til med vanlig måleutstyr. P4 sonden har lav egenvekt, måler kun 4 mm i diameter, og er ideell for å få tilgang til svært trange målepunkter.

  • Aktiverer lyd- og og lyssignal når den kommer i kontakt med vann
  • Høykvalitets kobber og polyetylen-målebånd gir slitesterke markeringer
  • Robuste og korrosjonsresistante komponenter



The Solinst Model 102 Water Level Meter is designed to measure groundwater levels, especially in small diameter tubes and piezometers, or where a flexible assembly is needed to get past down hole instrumentation.

Probe Options

Model 102 Probes are designed for flexibility. The probe tips use a recessed design to minimize false signals in cascading water. There are two versions to choose from. The Model 102 P4 version has a 4 mm diameter probe weighing just 10 grams that is ideal for accessing narrow diameters. The Model 102 P10 version has larger and heavier probe with 10 mm diameter and 10 stainless steel weights for total weight of 174 grams. This heavier probe assembly is ideal for greater depths.

Operating Principles

When the probe enters water the electrical circuit is completed, sending a signal back to the reel where a light and clearly audible buzzer are activated. The water level is then determined by taking a reading directly from the cable at the top of the well casing or borehole.

A sensitivity control allows the buzzer to be scaled back or turned off while in cascading water, and ensures a clear signal in both high and low conductivity conditions. A standard 9 volt battery, housed in an easy-access battery drawer, powers the Water Level Meter.

Laser Marked Cable

The coaxial cable has a durable polyethylene jacket with permanent markings precisely laser etched on the cable every 1/100 ft. or each millimeter. The cable reels smoothly, remains flexible, and comes in lengths from 30 m - 300 m. A braided copper outer conductor gives flexibility and a stranded stainless steel central conductor gives strength. It is easy to repair and splice.


The standard reel has an easy access battery drawer, a well designed brake assembly, and convenient carrying handle. It has been ergonomically designed to be comfortable in use and stable when placed on the ground. It has an on/off sensitivity switch, light, buzzer, battery test button, and comes with a tape guide.

  • Probe materials: Stainless steel
  • Probe size: 4 mm Ø x 38 mm length (0,157” x 1,5”)
  • Probe weight: 10 g
  • Cable material: Braided copper conductor with polyethylene jacket
  • Tape markings:
    • Imperial: Feet & tenths w/ markings every 1/100 ft
    • Metric: Meters & centimeters w/ markings every mm
  • Length options:
    • Imperial: 100 / 200 / 300 ft
    • Metric: 30 / 60 / 100 m

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