Details Specifications Documents The Geosense® GEO-XB rod type extensometer range is used to measure and locate settlement, displacement and deformation in soil and rock. It consists of a reference head and one or more in-hole anchors each of which is placed at a known depth and connected to the reference head by either a rigid or flexible rod running inside...
Details Specifications Documents The GEO-XM settlement system is used typically to monitor settlement or heave in foundations, excavations and embankments. Settlement is identified at the depth/position where the settlement has occurred as well as the total amount of settlement. The system comprises a central access tube along which magnetic targets are positioned at various locations. Settlement is measured by the...
Details Specifications Documents System Components Ordering Information The Tunnel Profile Monitoring System is a series of linked rods, fixed to the tunnel wall, to monitor deformation. A data logging system and related software is available to provide near real time displacement and generate a graphical representation of tunnel performance. A system of linked arms is affixed to the tunnel wall....
Details Specifications Documents The Vibrating Wire Soil Extensometer monitors lateral and longitudinal deformation of soil and different types of embankments and embankment dams. The instrument consists of a vibrating wire displacement sensor encased in a sealed body. The body contains a telescopic outer PVC pipe fitted with two flanges and an inner stainless steel rod. One end of the rod...