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DetaljerSpesifikasjonerDokumenter The Geosense® GEO-XB rod type extensometer range is used to measure and locate settlement, displacement and deformation in soil and rock. It consists of a reference head and one or more in-hole anchors each of which is placed at a known depth and connected to the reference head by either a rigid or flexible rod running inside a sleeve,...

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Detaljer Spesifikasjoner Dokumenter GEO-XM setningssystemet brukes vanligvis til å overvåke vertikale deformasjoner på fundamenter, utgravninger og fyllinger. Deformasjonen måles på et bestemt nivå/dybde der hvor setningen har oppstått, i tillegg til den totale deformasjonen/setningen. Systemet består av et adkomstrør med magnetiske mål plassert på forskjellige steder. Setning måles av den relative posisjonen til de magnetiske målerne med en sonde med...

DetaljerSpesifikasjonerDokumenter The Geosense GEO-XR single point rod settlement system is used to monitor subsurface settlement or heave of ground. The system comprises a series of inner steel rods and plastic outer sleeves together with plates when positioned on ground before fill or Borros type anchors when used in boreholes. The inner steel rod is made from heavy duty 1-meter lengths...

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Detaljer Spesifikasjoner Bestillingsinformasjon Dokumenter Geosense/RST Horizontal In-place MEMS Inclinometer is designed to remotely monitor, and continuously measure, underground vertical movement as a result of construction and excavation and any settlement that may occur around tunnels, dams, embankments and landfills. In-place inclinometers consist of one or more MEMS inclinometer sensors housed in a 31.75 mm diameter, water-tight, stainless steel enclosure. Each...

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DetaljerSpesifikasjonerBestillingsinformasjonDokumenter Geosense/RST Inclined In-place inclinometers (IPI) are used primarily for monitoring the downstream concrete face of rock filled dams or any other inclined application. They are installed within inclinometer casing which is either placed in a borehole, concreted in or attached to a structure. They consist of a series of wheeled sensors placed at various depths within the casing which...

Detaljer Spesifikasjoner Bestillingsinformasjon Dokumenter Geosense Features MEMS In-Place Tilt Meters are designed to measure uniaxial or biaxial tilt, which is measured from the plane(s) perpendicular from the base unit. It is designed to be installed permanently in either the vertical or horizontal position by either bonding or bolting directly to a structure or mounting plate. Data is read via a...

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Detaljer Spesifikasjoner Dokumenter Bestillingsinformasjon Fully grouted installation permits multiple piezometers to be simply and reliably installed in a single borehole. The piezometer string and grout pipe are placed in the borehole and cement-bentonite grout is pumped until the borehole is filled. Multi-point Piezometer Strings allow for multiple Vibrating Wire Piezometers to be connected on a single cable. This facilitates the...

Detaljer Spesifikasjoner Dokumenter SGP-3400 poretrykksmålere er designet for overvåking av poretrykk og forandringer i vannstanden. De er nøyaktige, svært pålitelige og egnet for bruk i krevende miljøer som blant annet vannbrønner, borehull, dammer, reservoarer, elver, tanker og andre typer miljøer. Sensoren er plassert i en forseglet kasse av rustfritt stål med et filter som er tilgjengelig for ulik porøsitet. SGP-3400...

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DetaljerSpesifikasjonerDokumenter Simple and economic measurement of groundwater pressures in soil and rock can be carried out using Casagrande type piezometers. Geosense® piezometers are made up of low air entry porous plastic or ceramic elements which are connected to standpipe tubing and lowered into a predrilled borehole. Alternative types may be driven or pushed into soft soil. Where Casagrande type piezometers...

Detaljer Spesifikasjoner Dokumenter Bestillingsinformasjon Geosense TPC-4000 series Total Earth Pressure cells are designed to measure total pressure (effective stress and pore water pressure) in soils and at the interface between structures and the wall of excavation. They are constructed from two stainless steel plates welded around their periphery with the narrow gap between the plates filled with hydraulic fluid. External...

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DetaljerSpesifikasjonerDokumenterSystemkomponenterBestillingsinformasjon The Tunnel Profile Monitoring System is a series of linked rods, fixed to the tunnel wall, to monitor deformation. A data logging system and related software is available to provide near real time displacement and generate a graphical representation of tunnel performance. A system of linked arms is affixed to the tunnel wall. Each arm is fitted with a...

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DetaljerSpesifikasjonerBestillingsinformasjonDokumenter Geosense/RST Vertical In-place inclinometers (IPI) are used to measure lateral displacement of soil and rock or deflection of structures such as diaphragm and retaining walls and piles. They are installed within inclinometer casing which is either placed in a borehole, concreted in or attached to a structure. They consist of a series of wheeled sensors placed at various depths...

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DetaljerSpesifikasjonerDokumenter The Vibrating Wire Jointmeter is used to monitor joints of mass concrete structures. The instrument consists of two parts, a socket and the main body with a waterproof vibrating wire sensing gauge. During construction of the structure, the socket is secured to the form and embedded into a lift of the block to be constructed. After removal of the...

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Detaljer Spesifikasjoner Dokumenter The Vibrating Wire Soil Extensometer monitors lateral and longitudinal deformation of soil and different types of embankments and embankment dams. The instrument consists of a vibrating wire displacement sensor encased in a sealed body. The body contains a telescopic outer PVC pipe fitted with two flanges and an inner stainless steel rod. One end of the rod...

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DetaljerSpesifikasjonerDokumenter VWCM-4000 crack meters are used to measure movement across surface cracks and joints in concrete, rock, soil and structures. They are accurate, highly reliable and suitable for use in harsh environments often found within civil engineering applications including water wells, boreholes, dams, reservoirs, rivers, tanks or any other body of water. The sensor consists of an outer body tube...

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DetaljerSpesifikasjonerDokumenter The VWDT-5000 series of vibrating wire displacement transducers cover displacement ranges up to 300 mm and are fully waterproof to a minimum of IP68 (16 bar external pressure). They can be incorporated into many displacement products such as crack and joint meters, rod extensometers, convergence meters, soil extensometers and displacement meters. VWDT-5000 transducers are particularly rugged, and are carefully...