Details Specifications Ordering Information Documents The Solinst Model 425 Discrete Interval Sampler (DIS) is a stainless steel sampler, with LDPE tubing mounted on the convenient Solinst reel. The reel has a pressure attachment for a high pressure hand pump, and a pressure/vent switch which is used to apply and release the pressure on the sampler. A sample release device is...
Details Ordering Information Documents The Model 428 BioBailer™ is a low cost, biodegradable bailer made of clear PVC. The high quality design features a rigid body that will not bend. The top and bottom of the bailer are both tapered to prevent hang-ups in the well. The top has a sturdy handle for a suspension cord. The BioBailer uses a...
Details Specifications Ordering Information Documents Point source sampling is ideal for obtaining high quality, representative samples of groundwater from specific depths. It allows the collection of water that has just flowed into a well at the desired sampling point. This can avoid purging and disposal of purged water. The Point Source Bailer can be used to profile an open borehole...