Weather stations provide valuable information in real-time on the most important weather parameters, including air temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, dew point, brightness and more.
Flexible data logging and sensor options allow endless possibilities for collection of weather data. Individual sensors may be used to collect only certain parameters, or multi-parameter instruments allow simultaneous collection of many parameters in a simple, compact device, often with no moving parts (and thus minimal maintenance). The appropriate data logger and data transmission system can be chosen to deliver data in the format required for the project.
Weather stations can be successfully implemented anywhere from near-shore to snow-covered mountain peaks and everywhere in between, including on floating data buoy platforms as well.
The figure below demonstrates the components of a typical weather station with data logger and sensors connected to a mounting structure.
Typical Weather Station System
Getting Started
Measure It AS supplies high-quality weather instruments from manufacturers such as Reinhardt and Thies Clima.
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