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Instruments are available for field monitoring of almost any geotechnical parameter. Browse strain gauges, inclinometers, extensometers, accelerometers, crack meters, jointmeters, piezometers and more.




Data Acquisition

Data acquisition systems allow for real-time, remote data collection and management. We offer affordable and flexible systems from manufacturers such as Campbell Scientific, Cautus Geo and NexSens Technology.



Water Quality

Water quality instruments can measure, monitor and record a variety of parameters including temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen and turbidity, both in the lab and in the field. For an extended deployment, a multi-parameter sonde with a choice of sensors will log an array of data.




Weather can be unpredictable, but these reliable instruments are not. Monitor all weather conditions including air temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, dew point, brightness, wind speed and direction, and precipitation.